Advocate and Activist Tania Arrayales Is Showing Mexicana Pride Through Her Sustainable Style
There are so many amazing and stylish WOC in the sustainable style community, but far too often we don't see them popularized. We should all be able to agree that we need to see more diversity in every space! So we chatted with proud Mexicana advocate and and activist Tania Arrayales about her journey as an ethical fashion influencer.
Photo courtesy of Tania Arrayales
When and why did you get into sustainable style?
I got into sustainable fashion 3 years ago. Growing Style Lend (peer to peer fashion rental) I'd done research on the impact fashion has on our planet. But I finally made the change after watching The True Cost.
Photo courtesy of Tania Arrayales
How do you define sustainability?
I always say, its hard to be 100% sustainable. So I define it as having as little negative impact on our planet and treating all humans who take part of the process ethically.
What are some of your favorite ethical fashion brands?
I've been lucky to get to know a bunch of great ones:
- LA Relax
- Zanni
- Bohempia
- Natasha Rosenet
- Consume with Love
- Gobamb
- I'm a HUGE fan of a good tee like my Bridges not walls from Emperador Clothing, Save the Bees from BeeKeepers naturals and my Mexicana one from Kris Goyri.
Photo courtesy of Tania Arrayales
Are you pushing Latina representation in sustainability, if so how?
I hope so! Growing up in Los Angeles most of the people who get mistreated in fashion in the US are hispanics. So its important to show my support for those people and all people who get treated differently due to the color of their skin. I also try to work with sustainable brands started by Latina women, like White Rabbit NY! Plus hoping to grow my audience in Mexico and get my country to care a bit more as well.
Photo courtesy of Tania Arrayales
What do you have in store for the future?
To be honest, I take it one day at a time. I hope to continue my growth and showcase more brands! I hope people can realize that there is so much more than just Everlane & Reformation out there. Also hoping my message grows and we continue to see sustainable fashion as the norm.