Mocha Whip: A Yummy Shea Butter Brand That's Adding A Little Fun To A Traditional African Recipe

When and why did you start Mocha Whip? What inspired the name?

I launched mocha whip in March 2018. The idea was birthed in December 2017. But it took me a few months of planning to consolidate my ideas into an actionable plan. The name mocha whip came from my core mission of building a brand for and about the people. Instead of naming my business after myself or my family, I decided to name it something everyone can relate to. A name that evokes a certain feeling the moment you hear it. Mocha Whip sounds yummy, sounds indulgent... "issa whole vibe" lol

Photo via Mocha Whip

Photo via Mocha Whip

What are your ingredients and where are they sourced? 

Photo by MelaninASS

Photo by MelaninASS

Our flagship line is a collection of vegan shea butter whippiesswirliessofties, and butter balls made from unrefined shea butter and essential oil blends. The aromatherapy grade scents we use combine with the lush texture and yummy visual appeal to give you a super indulgent and unapologetically selfish woooosaaaaaa moment!

We source our products directly from their mother land. Our African Black Soap comes from Kumasi, Ghana. And our Shea Butter comes from the women's co-op in Tamale, Ghana.

What makes your brand so unique? 

For the first time, mocha whip brings indulgent simplicity to the mainstream beauty aisle. Currently, natural means avoiding the harshest chemicals and keeping the safer ones, which is a great step. But mocha whip is leading the way with a truly natural line that utilizes only a few ingredients per recipe. And completely avoids adding water so that we can safely remain preservative free.

Photo via Mocha Whip

Photo via Mocha Whip

Does being a WOC influence your brand? If so how? 

As a black woman, building a brand for "anyone with skin" it is in the forefront of my mission to show the world what a truly inclusive brand looks like. MochaWhip leads with images of the products themselves. We put them in the spotlight, similar to how ice cream and candy companies allow their treats to take the lead. As we choose ambassadors for our brand we proudly choose anyone who truly enjoys the indulgent simplicity we're sharing with the world.

What is your biggest inspiration? 

Mocha Whip is inspired by my personal desire to unapologetically celebrate your "me" time moments. These are the moments that were the first thing I lost when my first business failed. All of a sudden, my maintenance routine became the most basic and boring part of my day. I couldn't afford luxury ANYTHING, so everything I used to cleanse or moisturize with was a multi-use product such as olive oil. Oh how I missed my silly little pampering routine. 
Ironically though, using single ingredient personal care began working wonders for my skin and hair. I learned through that experience the value of simplification. So I paired that simplification with "me" time indulgence (the thing I missed the most) and mocha whip was born!

Photo by MelnainASS

Photo by MelnainASS

Where do you see the natural beauty/hair care industry in the future? 

The natural beauty industry IS the future. We as a people are demanding better for ourselves. We are completely in-tune with treating our bodies kindly to avoid the harsh effects of the chemicals we introduce to it. We are fully understanding the impact our consumption has on the environment, and brands are now leading the way. We must be responsible for our own well-being and the footprint we leave behind. That is why the natural beauty industry is experiencing such necessary growth.