Womb Health for Every Stage Featuring Riley Mack

Written by: Jasmine Offor-Verville

In honor of Womxn’s month, let’s talk womb health. I decided to reach out to a cosmic sister, Riley Mack, who has been blossoming fully into her Divine Feminine path. We both have been through the journey of motherhood & have come out on the other side with many stories to tell. The fact is that not many women think too much about the health of their womb until they feel ready for pregnancy or some other life altering event. I know I certainly didn’t & wish I did. In honor of the portal that so eloquently creates & sustains life, let us make it a strong habit to be more proactive as we take back the power & sovereignty over our own vessels. 

Introduce yourself, why you're here, & a bit about your journey towards reconnecting with your womb power.


First off -eye gotta give a quick shoutout to Jas in all of her intelligence, beauty and PURPOSE (and to our beloved Midwife Racha for connecting us when we really really needed the reflection).

Eye am Riley but eye have been found under a handful online personas / aliases over the last decade (woah) of creating, informing & socializing online. Eye am here to be a reflection of truth. Living as a conduit is the best way to describe how eye existas eye grow into each new moment eye am brought back to + through the overwhelming guidance of my Ancestors, the many Womxn who birthed my Reality out of sacrifice and hyperawareness.

My “formal” academic studies were rooted in observing the cultural conception of “Home” and the ethical digital archiving of the stories that build it the idea of Home is everything to me. Eye moved 13 times before high school and a dozen or so in my adult life the World raised me. Eye never really felt like eye had a Home. This feeling brought me to many personal and philosophical conclusions at a different rate than my peers. Eye developed an early understanding that the conception of “Home” came from within my own body and that eye was born with the ability to physically BE a Home for a new Life.

That significance began to integrate fully once eye allowed it to. The healing work that eye have done for and by mySelf in my Time as an educator + alchemist has created the space for me to advocate for others to do the same. A testament to the power of intentional healing.

Q: How would you explain the power of the womb?

A: The womb is one of our brains, a Life giving magnetic portal.

Every single thing comes back to the womb (and/or the gut) and its ability to intuit, to self regulate, to self clean and to bring the body back to Oneness.

The decolonized womb / body is an instantaneously manifesting body,

one that is constantly communicating with the natural World around it.

It effortlessly aligns with the natural rhythm. Understanding and honoring the womb is a metaphoric blueprint for understanding and honoring Life on Earth


Q: How would you describe your relationship to your womb pre, during & post pregnancy & what are some things every woman should be aware of?


Hmm well, 

Eye have always known that eye am here to be a Mother but 

much of the Mothering that eye did before eye had my own child was unknowingly quite selfish.Eye had taken on the stoic role of the Mother - existing in selfless survival mode for so many people. Eye was raising my past lovers, my online audiences, my kindergarten students even my own parents in various ways. Eye was taking on too much work. Eye was overly compromising and passive. My boundary practices were dependent on the approval of others and my overall vitality was stunted through a series of awakenings resulting from traumatic events & losses. Eye began my detox from birth control (5 or so years ago) & began to heal my relationship with mySelf, my body and my perception of the World around me. This revealed how the years of collegiate sports + sexual trauma + birth control + stress + toxic Mothering + medical trauma + how the whole damn patriarchy had affected me. The young Womxn eye was before the conscious conception of my sun was very reactive, defensive and fearful. Eye am still about 10 months out from what has been a life enhancing transformation and eye am honoring all of this change within mySelf before eye can conceptualize it for the sake of others understanding. Eye still do share a LOT for those that can see me and eye am excited to continue to organically integrate these lessons with my servitude + art but now eye have a much deeper sense of my own power.

My dream is for every womxn to take back their power from any and every external thing that they have surrendered to.

Q: How can we connect deeper into our bodies to receive messages of our health?

A: We connect to our wholeness and wellness by slowing tf down. It is extremely triggering for many peoples to sit alone in silence or stillness because we have built a culture that relies on a fabricated rhythm. There is no ebb and flow, there is just a constant grinding and taking. We have been made to feel bad about ourSelves for resting & for moving at the natural rhythm. The world is currently falling into chaos because of this. We are seeing firsthand what ignoring nature’s stillness in our bodies looks like. When we give our power over to an outside source, we allow that source to make decisions for us without consulting ourselves or our bodies. Eye believe that the connection to Self [God(dess)] is an intentional decision, making you have to find ways to shut the noise out and check inward- this will look different for everyone.

Q: What are some simple tips & herbal remedies that have changed your relationship with your womb?

A: Herbs have been saving me lately. keeping me in my body and not floating around outside of it.

***Eye am called to make somewhat of a disclaimer here - ancestral plant medicine is sacred and to be honored at all times.

If you are called to the medicine please go about answering with intention and care***

Eye am in a deep state of gratitude and self led study of some of our herbal ancestors. My sun Samadhi has inspired my reconnection to herbal medicine (he has a tiny green thumb already. V-steaming (vaginal steaming) at home with herbs that were hand grown locally has changed the game!!! Eye feel supported, fortified and energized by the light that eye can infuse into my own remedies. Being able to hold this healing myself was a big part of the process for me. Learning the balance of autonomy and allowing help - the plants can teach us a lot about that right now. Rose medicine is transforming me, eye used to say “roses are not really my thing eye am not a ‘rose girl’”. Eye really had no idea what that separation even meant. Eye was honestly sort of scared of the power of softness. My steaming practice + herbal studies support slowing down and finding softness beautifully. My cycle has now returned after 10 months of breastfeeding and eye have never been so proud to bleed.

Q: What has been the most mind blowing thing you’ve learned about womb health during your journey?

A: MITOCHONDRIAL DNA 🧬 the science behind the maternal Magic. Please take some time to look this up.

Q: Truths we women should always remember as we step deeper into our own power

A: There is enough room for all of us to actualize our Highest Selves. The competitive energy is a trap! This is an abundant Reality. Feel FREE & learn how to ask for HELP.

Do you have any offerings for the community? Where can you be found?

Eye can be found at laneriley.com + on IG and twitter @11N4NN44

Eye am always available by email @ write.rileylane@gmail.com 

My books for intuitive astrology + womb wellness consultations are closed now to begin a new chapter of servitude with Doula training but eye am here + will continue to post Astro updates. Please reach out if you are called to. 

Thank you Riley for being here & being committed to expanding yourself & others on the journey. As we all continue on our path back home to self, may we remember that “Softness yields strength” 

In gratitude & eternal love


*Racha Tahani Lawler Queen is a Black Midwife of 17 years & can be found on Instagram @crimson_fig as well as crimsonfig.com


About Jas

Jasmine Offor-Verville is a spiritual author, speaker and truth teller. She is an intuitional guide empowering us to unearth our soul's divine destiny towards bring a New Earth now. Her conversations and practice pioneer a new way of being that will allow each of us to peer clearly into our innate divine nature. Through her aligning offerings, event workshops and 1:1 sessions, Jasmine is transforming the way we see ourselves to no longer reach out for validation from others but return deep within. "

Check out her podcast- Divinely Human