Earth Month: Returning Back To Our Roots During Isolation

By: Jasmine Offor-Verville

This time in our collective history has not been easy on any of us. Everyday we wake up & are met with the looming feeling that this day may end up being just like yesterday. Amidst the anxiety & fear swirling around the future of our humanity, we can so easily be carried away by one news headline after another. That’s why during times of isolation, it’s so important to return back home to our roots, our bodies & the largest body we inhabit, Mother Earth.

With all the thinking we’re doing lately, mostly trying to run from pain & into distractions, we end up feeling more depleted than we did prior to all of this. One of my most sacred personal practices to get back into feeling at home within my body is practicing grounding techniques. Grounding is really an umbrella word that encompasses any act that allows you to return back to the power within your body. There are so many techniques available to us & many of them are free!

Breathwork & Meditation.

Breathing is the vehicle that carries us from our minds back into our bodies & beyond. Taking a simple, full breath can transform the way our physical brain functions & takes in information. With so many wellness pages offering free LIVES on Instagram, there will be one that will be just right for you. This week I’m loving @wellnessofficials line up & spotlight of incredible healers. If you’re feeling that a little social media cleanse is serving you, then practicing classic inhales through the nose & exhales through the mouth will always assist you.


Earthing is the practice of placing your feet, hands, or entire body on the Earth in order to receive & share electrons with Gaia. This practice brings our bodies into a state of homeostasis which allows us to feel stable & balanced. This feeling of being supported is priceless, especially now as we are all learning to navigate the mystery of this chaos day by day. Even with social distancing & staying home, there are ways you can get creative & stay safe while Earthing.


Automatic Writing.

Journaling anytime of the day is sometimes the only means of release any of us have access to. While this can be life changing for some, I’ve often been told that journaling doesn't seem to connect with all. Automatic writing is based on allowing any & all free flowing thoughts to land on the page. You aren't trying to make sense of anything, you’re simply working on getting the words, thoughts & feeling out of your body and onto the pages. I often feel that this release is akin to having a big cry. As an emotional release, you know longer have to walk around chewing on the same thoughts you’ve been carrying with you for days to come. 



Being open to receiving an endless supply of rest & sleep is something many of us could have only dreamed of before this. Well, if you are healthy & well, this is the time to lean into this medicine. When we sleep, our bodies are able to return back to a state of homeostasis & healing. So instead of piling on the guilt about how you should be “productive” during this time, honor the messages from your body, curl up in bed & sleep.

Plants & Herbs are a few of Earth’s cherished gifts to humanity and during isolation there are endless ways to integrate their beauty & power into our lives. Creating a tea with herbs such as hibiscus, rose & lavender all have healing properties that energetically align our root chakra. When our root chakra is out of alignment, we are in constant panic about if & how we will survive. We no longer have the mind, body or spiritual capacity to step into our whole selves. When you take the time to sit with a cup of tea or special drink of your making, that act alone is you telling your body that you are safe & open for love to enter.


Starting an at home window garden can be such a calming and nurturing way to feel the Earth within your palms. So many beautiful herbs & vegetables are easy to grow at home if you already have the seeds available to you. If not, simply learning about what may be growing in your area allows you to connect into the energetic flow of the land you inhabit.  

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned during this transformative time is that we as humans are endlessly creative. We have and will continue to create & sustain life in the most magical ways. There is an endless supply of information & inspiration and even when all of that gets to be too much, we can always return back home to the breath of life. There is nothing more rooting, more grounding & more gifting than our breath. 

“Awaken to the life flowing within your body, breathe that in” - The Well Within

In gratitude & eternal love



About Jas

Jasmine Offor-Verville is a spiritual author, speaker and truth teller. She is an intuitional guide empowering us to unearth our soul's divine destiny towards bring a New Earth now. Her conversations and practice pioneer a new way of being that will allow each of us to peer clearly into our innate divine nature. Through her aligning offerings, event workshops and 1:1 sessions, Jasmine is transforming the way we see ourselves to no longer reach out for validation from others but return deep within. "

Check out her podcast- Divinely Human