Self. Wife. Mother. Friend. Guide. Depression. Joy. Anxiety. Healing. CORONA
By: Jasmine Offor-Verville
As the days merge into one another, many of us are starting to commune with a part of ourselves that may have been neglected for the entirety of our lives. Those that have been living their lives powering through the waves of anxiety & depression now find themselves unable to cope with the uncertainty of what the future holds. This rings true for us all. We are being removed from any & all distractions we used to seek refuge in & are being invited to peel back layers of our human existence we never thought we would ever have to do in this lifetime. For me, this time has been a time of deep internal reflection. Not only am I working through transmuting childhood programming but I am still navigating my role as wife, mother, friend & guide.
Big lessons have come through around what it means to not only hold space for others but to hold sacred healing space for me & my soul’s evolution. I have been taking my sweet time waking up late, crying when I need to, nourishing my body the best I can, journaling, grounding & sometimes falling into the abyss of the dark emotions while just riding the waves. Sometimes we need that. We need to feel incredibly human, and after the adventure, just like that we’re home again. I decided to ask my husband to share with us what this time has been like for him. As a generally optimistic, big hearted Leo, he has had moments of despair. One that I am so grateful he has seen the light & love streaming through my eyes for him to return home to. Anxiety & depression in any form isn’t easy so I urge you to please seek loving counsel & guidance from a trusted friend, partner or licensed guide.
Jas: Can you tell us how this conscious cocooning period has been for you?
Alex: I have been on the spiritual path consciousnessly for the last 6 years. All the while depressed all the while joyful. Amidst the anxiety and amidst the trepidation depression has hit me in waves. Sometimes I observe it as happening outside of me but other times I find myself identified as the emotions that I am feeling.
In the times of identification, without fail, my inner dialogue is, “why is this happening to me?” but when I am centered and observing the emotion outside of myself I always ask the question, “why is this happening for me?”.
This simple reframing allows me to see that I create the experience I want regardless of the external events happening around me.
This winter has been the most depressed I have ever been in my life. One night in February as I lay with my three and a half year old while he fell asleep. I thought would anyone ever care if I walked out into the freezing cold and let myself wither away to nothing?
It was in this moment I saw how I was seeking my internal worth & definition with my external existence. I felt crushed. I had worked so hard to find value in only myself but also welcomed the feelings of liberation, I finally had the answer to relieve my suffering.
Jas: What was the answer you found?
Alex: Each day has been an intentional check-in with myself. I see that I have been looking at my partnership, my children, my work, my friends, and my home as my source but the truth is these things are just methods to my source. I am my own peace, I am my own love and I am sure as fuck my own truth.
I journal with this intention, I sit in the sun with this intention, I play with my kids with this intention, I make love to my partner with this intention.
In everything that I do, I do in the knowledge that I am not the past traumatic pattern that tries to repeat itself. When my mind begins to maneuver down a path of victimhood, I breathe and I go to that place of gratitude deep within me. The place where the well is never ending and the life is bliss.
Jas: How would you gently guide others to uncover their own answers of truth?
Alex: In this time where so many things are unknown and every single institution, structure and system are showing themselves to be constructs that can perish at any moment, it is so important to go back within ourselves where the joy and depression are one. It is this place where the duality of our 3rd dimensional consciousness cannot convince us to be prisoners because there is a rebirth that is happening for all of us.
So as Spring is upon us, birth & death coexist as one. Remember you are the peace & love you seek.
In gratitude and eternal love,
About Jas
Jasmine Offor-Verville is a spiritual author, speaker and truth teller. She is an intuitional guide empowering us to unearth our soul's divine destiny towards bring a New Earth now. Her conversations and practice pioneer a new way of being that will allow each of us to peer clearly into our innate divine nature. Through her aligning offerings, event workshops and 1:1 sessions, Jasmine is transforming the way we see ourselves to no longer reach out for validation from others but return deep within. "
Check out her podcast- Divinely Human