This Black Wife and Husband Duo Started A Holistic Wellness Brand To Naturally Heal Their Son's Autism
We were so honored to chat with wife and husband duo Joy and Brian on their holistic wellness brand JBGCH.
When and why did you start JBGCH (And what does the name/acronym stand for)?
Three years ago. It started as a means of natural healing for our autistic son. This transitioned into a desire to help other families with children with similar diagnoses. We also thought about how many people are suffering in their health and could receive relief if given the right herbal supplements or natural remedies. (Joy): God placed it on our hearts to become a supplier of these healing herbs and remedies. I (Brian) have extensive experience from years of researching for many years as an herbal enthusiast. jbGch simply stands for Joy & Brian God’s children.
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Joy: My now 8 yr old son was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3. His symptoms were speech delays, social delays and mild physical delays affecting balance and coordination. In his early years, the only means of treatment he received was therapeutic services such as occupational and speech therapy. As our diet regimens were changing, as we were adhering to a healthier lifestyle, we started exploring natural, homeopathic treatments to treat our son’s autism. So we began treating him with an all natural herbal tonic using elderberry, blue vervain, burdock root valerian root and bugleweed. It took approximately 2-3 months before we began seeing improvements in his symptoms. When we noticed improvement in his symptoms we continued giving him the tonic for several months after. Our son began to improve in his coordination and we noticed a huge improvement in his mental clarity and language expression. This homemade herbal treatment is a powerful one as it treats the brain and central nervous system.
We happily shared this victory with family and friends. A friend of the family who’s son had autism inquired about what we did for our son. We provided him with complete list of herbs and instructions on how we created the tonic and he and his wife began making the tonic at home. They also soon began seeing improvements in their son as well.
What are some of the less understood links between autism and Herbal supplements or natural remedies. Which ones specifically were you using to help your son?
Most Americans don’t believe holistic medicine works. American society still relies on medical science and places their trust in western medicine to provide the healing that can be found in nature. We believe that autism is not the only disability that can be successfully treated with the use of herbs. We believe God placed natural healers in the form of plants that if used correctly will treat and even cure many of the diseases and ailments that plague the world.
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How do you define sustainability?
Our definition of sustainability is keeping one’s health from depleting using God’s natural healing herbs to sustain good health for mind and body.
Where are your ingredients sourced?
Our Sea Moss is sourced from St. Lucia. All other herbs from organic farm right here in the US.
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Does being Black/ POC influence your wellness brand? If so how?
We supply herbal remedies for everyone with the hopes of healing the overall masses despite of race or ethnicity. We truly seek to do God’s work by being a resource and supplier of these natural God-given herbs.
What is your top selling product and why?
Our Sea Moss. Our raw moss and sea moss gel are almost equal in popularity. The people absolutely love it! Our sea moss is very high-quality so when our customers experience our moss for the first time they are always highly pleased.
Sea moss or what many call Irish moss is an algae found in ocean waters. Sea moss is a wonderful natural mineral source as it contains 92 of the 102 minerals that the human body needs. The American diet is severely lacking much of the minerals that we need. Sea moss supplies these nutrients when ingested. Sea moss can be dried and capsulated and taken as a daily supplement. It can be turned into a gel and added to smoothies, stews, soups, salad dressings, deserts, etc. Sea moss can even be used externally in our daily facial regimens, as a healthy mineral infused hair conditioner and as a natural toothpaste.
Sea moss is very beneficial to a vegan diet as it contains a sulphur-containing amino acid called taurine. Taurine is more abundant in Irish moss than any other seaweed and it is commonly lacking in vegetarian and vegan diets. Sea moss is also an excellent immune boosting food that can be an invaluable resource in the recovery from debilitating illness. One of the most important benefits of sea moss is its ability to help balance thyroid hormones. Sea moss aids in weight loss because it helps reduce the appetite due to its ability to absorb moisture, increasing its volume and filling the intestinal tract thus increasing the feeling of fullness.
Those who know sea moss through personal use truly appreciate all its benefits. To know sea moss is to love it. Sea moss is so popular because the health conscious community is making the masses more aware of all its benefits thereby piquing the interests of the people. We believe social media has played a big part it’s popularity.
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What are your long term goals?
We’re strong believers and followers of Jesus Christ and we seek with all our hearts to be of service to Him. After all, this is the reason He called us to Him in the first place. With this being said, the purpose of jbGch is to be a conduit of healing to and for all. It is truly our pleasure to be a blessing to others. And we believe our products bless everyone who use them. We’d also love to be able to open a brick and mortar herb store one day and we are working hard towards that goal and getting closer to it every day. We’re keeping all things in prayer and trusting the Most High God for all things.