A Non-Profit Organization That Seeks To Shed Light On The Sustainable Fashion Industry Through Mental Health & Black Womanhood

We chatted with the founder of The 370 Foundation, Briana Browne, to learn more about her work in the sustainable fashion industry from the lens of a Black woman.

When and why did you start The 370 Foundation?


I started my non-profit organization, The 370 Foundation, this past October 2020. I had just graduated college with a BA in Enterprise Regulation for Nonprofit Organizations and I spent a lot of time searching for that “dream job” (cliche of course). But the pandemic hit and I found myself stuck in this awkward post-grad stage. After about 6 months of floating in limbo, I decided to create my dream job. And the rest was history. I’ve always had an internal passion for helping others. It was never anything I spoke about but I knew that this was my God-given purpose. In October 2020, I had finally accepted it.

Aside from my own personal journey, I started 370 because I am involved in the fashion industry, which I love, but there is always room for improvement. I value our earth and the people who inhabit it , so it was a question of how can I merge my values with my career knowledge and industry of choice? Sustainable fashion was the answer.

I also incorporated a mental health section within 370 because mental health is something that is very touchy but necessary to know about, especially for my black women. I am no expert on mental health, as I am learning to navigate my own. But if I can help others through their journey or inspire others to open that door into their minds, then I will. And it’ll be a beautiful, real journey that myself and 370’s supporters will embark on together

How do you define sustainability?

I was stuck on this question for a minute honestly, because I have never actually taken the time to try to put it into words. I’d say sustainability is meeting your needs without compromising the well-being of others, the planet and your own sanity.

Image courtesy of 370 Foundation

Image courtesy of 370 Foundation

What are some ways in which you are encouraging sustainable fashion?


Within my own life, I have stopped shopping with fast fashion brands and am educating myself on ways to dress how I want, support smaller brands while also remaining sustainable. In 2021, there are many unsustainable temptations and I still love my high fashion designers but there are also more sustainable options than ever before! I have started incorporating my little tricks and hints on sustainable life-hacks into my everyday conversations. I try not to be too overwhelming with it because I never want to pressure anyone, only inspire and positively influence people to start making the switch. I know it's not an overnight thing and I can’t force everyone to just jump on board. But, if I can convince a friend to hit the thrift store instead of the mall for an outfit, then that's a win in my book!

What do you see as the core effects of fast fashion on black women?

There are many aspects to this question, so I’ll address a few. First and foremost, fast fashion has a direct role in depleting the mental health of black women. This results in lack of confidence/heightened insecurity through constantly viewing the images that these brands are selling.

“Why don’t I look like this model?”
“Maybe I should change myself because this is better”
It is unhealthy if the change is not influenced by YOU. From here, it also stems into us questioning our beauty as black women. To be honest, a lot of the models on these sites are not representations of the women that these brands are even targeting -- and yes, I

do believe that most fast fashion brands’ primary target market is black women. So to be the target, and then see everything BUT representation is just awful. Now we have little black girls growing up believing that this is what they need to wear, this is how they need to look in order to be beautiful when that is not the case.

Image courtesy of 370 Foundation

Image courtesy of 370 Foundation

What are some long term goals of your organization?

Long term, I would like to create a 370 “safe space” that can be used for educational purposes, therapy, rehabilitation, creativity for entrepreneurs... everything in one. Or maybe different branches and locations that all align with 370’s mission to make everyone feel at home. Because, 370 is home to me. I would love to start scholarship programs and create grants to give out to other small businesses and individuals. It would be so beautiful to see this come to life!

What has been the biggest challenge thus far regarding your work?

I would definitely say that not doubting myself is the hardest part. And consistency. I am human and I am definitely an overthinker. I constantly have to reassure myself that I am in the right place and that I am doing the right thing even during times where I am fully discouraged. I am doing this alone and 370 is my baby. I have to raise her and make sure that she fulfills her own purpose. Especially on the days I don’t feel like it.

Aside from that, it would be funding. I am a 22 year old self-funding my own non-profit organization. This is not for the weak okay!! It can get hard sometimes but I just remind myself why I am doing what I am doing. And that this is all a beautiful investment that I am making.